At the start of the new tax year, tax returns are on all our minds. We know how hard it can be for landlords to accurately record rental payments, particularly for multiple properties. This is why our part and fully-managed landlord services include accounting support to help our landlords keep track of their rental payments throughout the year. If a landlord is fully managed, we'll also break down all the maintenance and property costs on our accounting reports for them.
If you are a managed landlord, we can produce on request an Annual Statement Summary giving all the information, which can be transferred directly into your tax return. Over the course of the year, we have kept track of all your rental payments, using our specialised software to send you a statement each time a payment is made. The beauty of our accounting service is that we can tell you exactly where your tenants are up to with their payments at any point in time.
As we are RICS Registered, our managed and part-managed landlords can rest assured that their money is kept protected at all times. In addition, all our accounting professionals are all MAAT (Member of Association of Accounting Technicians) accredited - meaning your accounts are in safe hands.
If you are a Let Only landlord who would like support with your accounting, now would be a good time to get in touch with us and find out more about how we can help you keep your accounts in order. We are here to help you start the tax year as you mean to go on.
Wishing you a fantastic month,
Mark Manning
Partner and Head of Lettings